Deflation mechanism

Inflation is one of the chronic problems that most current NFTs inevitably have, requiring developers to tackle it with a variety of realistic approaches. After becoming aware of this ongoing issue, our members did in-depth research and promoted a proper anti-inflation system, with the aim of increasing the in-game experience among players. With each other, helping to balance and maintain a sustainable economy in Space Hunter.

NFTs in-game

We will limit the number of NFTs sold from the issuer. These NFTs are unique and cannot be further generated. Most of the NFTs in the game are upgraded through mining and crafting. Through this, we can control the amount of NFT circulating in the market.

SCE tokens

Besides, related to the project's anti-inflation system, has been developed to a new level. In other words, instead of burning tokens, our developers lock them into a treasury. The fact that this amount of tokens will be recorded in our system and the future use of the funds will be based on the DAO mechanism decided by the entire community.

Not only does this go a long way toward limiting the tokens being distributed to the market, but it also reduces the likelihood of tokens running out of stock in order to have enough distributed to investors.

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